Saturday, September 7, 2013

I know, I know... another blog... yeesh.

But here's the thing. Having completed a full year of Pre-K teaching and starting on my second, I know how valuable it is to find a great teacher's website or blog with a list and descriptions of the lessons and activities that have worked for them in a classroom. Now I think that I can be that resource, or at least I aspire to be.

I'm Miss K. I teach Pre-K at a private school. We follow the creative curriculum guidelines, so while there are goals and objectives that I must meet with my activities, I have the awesome opportunity to create my lesson plans pretty much from scratch. I have a Bachelors degree in Early Childhood Euducation and in Women and Gender Studies, and am a certified teacher P-5, and feel very honored to teach where i do, with the freedom that I am given.

So I am giving myself a goal, to post once a week, with pictures and explanations/sources for the activities that I have done in my classroom. I'll let you know what worked, what didn't, and what I'd do differently next time I do that activity. I hope that I can help you find great things to do with your child at home or your students in your school!

Get ready for an adventure!

(I alos love anything even remotely English... and I'll never apologize for it! =])

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